Recently, I was reading the Phillippians 4:8 scripture where it shares, "Fix your thoughts on things are true..think on things that are excellent, and worthy of praise.”
As I read the scripture, I began to think about the times when I haven’t had the best of thoughts.
If I can be honest, there are moments where everything in my mind seems as if it’s going good.
Then, a random thought that is not good will come to my mind.
Next, a trail of other bad thoughts will begin to flood me.
There was once a time whenever this would occur, I would feel paralyzed to those bad thoughts.
I am so grateful I now know how to move past those bad thoughts and get back to true thoughts, things that are excellent and worthy of praise!
If you can relate, I would like to encourage you with something.
Whenever you find yourself feeling stuck on bad thoughts, I want you to know that you are not alone.
John 10:10 states, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Friend, you have an enemy, who is Satan.
Satan tries each and every day to kill, steal, and destroy every good thing that God has for you and believers in God.
He tries to kill our peace.
He tries to kill our joy.
He tries to kill the freedom in which we gained the very moment that we accepted Jesus Christ.
Thankfully, the John 10:10 verse continues!
Jesus continues, I have come that they might have life and life more abundantly.
Meaning, Jesus came that we may experience life to the full, full of good things!
As you grow stronger in faith, it is vital that you are intentional to hear, speak, and apply God’s word every day!
The Philippians 4:8 verse encourages us to fix our thoughts that are true.
In order to get there we have to meditate in God’s word!
Psalms 1:2-3 gives us the antidote!
"but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers."
If you know anything about trees, their roots grow deep!
God's word gives us the opportunity to be planted in the truth, in which good thoughts come where we can consistently produce good things in any season we encounter!
Remember you are not alone, Friend.
God is with you every step of the way!
Heavenly Father, God, I pray for my friend who is reading this post today. I come to you with the faith you are the God who is loving and powerful! I ask on this day the same love you have for me you will also extend to my friend. God, cover their minds from the attacks of the enemy. May they always feel your loving embrace. I ask that you will help them to meditate on your word daily. Therefore, whenever they find a thought that doesn’t align with your truth, they would immediately identify your truth and you will give the power to overcome in Jesus name, Amen!
Jesus came that we may experience life to the full, full of good things!
God's word gives us the opportunity to be planted in the truth, in which good thoughts come where we can consistently produce good things in any season, we encounter!
Phillippians 4:8
Psalms 1:2-3
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