It’s a new year!
2019 was yesterday, now we have entered into a new decade.
Was it just me or did last year passed by quickly?
It was like JaaaaaAuguSeptecember!
Okay, maybe not that quickly. 😄
The great news you have made it to a new year.
And, if you are reading this blog post, it’s certainly no accident!
Make sure to read the following words in faith.
Are you ready?
This is the year to go live.
Now, I’m not referring you to open up your Facebook app, click on the red icon in the What‘s on your mind section, and make live recording for your Facebook fam!
You may be wondering what does that mean?
Have you ever felt extremely stretched?
You may of made the decision to put your trust in God and you find yourself extremely uncomfortable?
I have good news…you’re in good company!
Last year, I made the decision to bet on God.
I was at a point where I tried to do life in every way on my own and I was tired.
What I didn’t know, by me choosing to surrender to God’s will I would uncomfortably grow in my spiritual journey.
Every day seemed like a new battle and I had to learn how to give access to God in all areas.
Some days were easy. Most were simply hard. And, if I can be real on the hard days I would find myself doubting my decision to trust God’s plan.
Through it all, I would say, “God, you promised me…God, you said…God, this is hard, but I am trusting you….God, I know your ways are higher…God, are you listening?”
Seriously, I was a broken record.
At the same time, I believed God would provide better for me. In return, He blew and continues to blow my mind!
Once again, the surrender life is not easy. I am believing that together we will get strong by applying Go Live in this year and years to come!
Okay, what is this ” Go Live” I keep referring to?
Gaze only latched in victory everyday!
So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see you now or soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18
Sometimes life can make it easy to shift our focus from the God who triumphs. We may doubt in uneasy situations and find ourselves slowly turning to defeat.
Though it may be hard, we must remember who’s on our side and speak who He is over every situation!
God is omnipotent.
God is omnipresent.
God is omniscient.
He is all powerful, present, all-knowing. As His children, God has granted us victory through His son Jesus.
In 2020, we can no longer choose to live in defeat. I am believing we will get the right vision for our spiritual lives which it’s clear: God!
Let’s look to Him, be obedient and trust in His plans with a victorious mindset.
It’s time to Go Live!
Faith Nuggets!
Keep your heart open to God’s plan. God has not forgotten you.
Create a list of “I am” statement(s). Make a bold statement by selecting one of your statements and post on social media using hashtag #GoLive2020
Writer: BG
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