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Spoiler Alert: The Pull Propels Us!

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

There comes a point in all of our walks with God where we feel stretched.

Being stretched can be any thing that causes us to feel what we are experiencing is bound to break us!

Even the following can make us feel stretched:

• Just filling up your car with gas, then as you leave the gas station you get rear ended.

• Losing a relative after a great visit with them in the hospital.

• Finish paying off on a loan, then having to take out another loan to pay rent.

• Having a long discussion with a child, then the child does the exact opposite of what you discussed.

It doesn’t matter if we’ve been a Christian for fifteen years or fifteen days.

A pulling sensation will periodically come up on all of us.

Some times the stretch can be felt in multiple areas causing us to question if the way we are living is pleasing to God!

Let me tell you a secret: the pulling we are experiencing isn’t a punishment; it’s meant to propel us. Read that again.

We may ask God, “Why are these things keep happening?”

” It seems like when I take two steps forward I get pushed back five!”

My goal is by the time you finish reading today’s blog post you will understand one simple truth: the pull propels us!

The stretch is preparing us for greater.

This year alone I’ve been feeling stretched to the max!

There are many areas where my faith has been tested to the point where I ask God, “Do you really think I can handle all of this?”.

Yet, I notice with each pull I am finding out strength I never knew existed or I had the ability to bare!

Here recently, a stretch came and I not only shocked myself but others on my response.

Three years ago, God told me I am going to be able to collect my college degree. At the time, I owed two universities a total of $1,410.

During these past years, I raised and saved the funds to pay off the balances to my former universities!

When I submitted that last payment, I felt a huge weight lifting off my shoulders.

It didn’t take me no more than 72 hours for me to enroll in two classes for this current summer session. Simple process, right?

Recently, I enrolled back into college understanding what God promised is mine. I am going to be able to finish strong and collect my college degree!

So far, classes are going along nicely and I’m proud of how well I’m exceling.

Now, here comes the stretching 🙆🏾‍♀️

Last Thursday, I was talking with one of my study partners.

In the midst of our conversation, I was reminded of the fact I need to accept my awards for financial aid.

When I went on the university’s site, I noticed I have a $1,450 balance with the university.

I’d already filled out my FASFA information and I remembered how much aid was offered to me.

As I went on the university’s website, I noticed there was an error in my financial aid section.

The notification informed me I needed to reach out to a financial aid counselor.

The school is closed on Fridays; therefore, I had to contact the school on Monday.

On Monday, I received the same response from the financial assistant.

The counselor informed me I have a hold on my financial aid due to the fact my student loans are in default.

I would have to start paying on the loans for the next six months.

Then, I would be reviewed to see if I can received financial aid again. She further explained, “Because of this, I wouldn’t have any financial assistance going to school until the spring.”

My immediate response: I laughed!

God told me, “I am going to be able to finish strong and collect my college degree!”

A couple of days ago, I met up again with my study partner.

She asked me how are things going and what was the update on financial aid.

I felt the Holy Spirit told me to fully open up to her about my previous and current financial situation.

I continued explaining how I know God will provide the finances for me to continue school until I receive my college degree with or without financial aid.

I even told her how I laughed!

Then, she expressed how she is going through a similar situation.

At the same time, she wished she could see her problem the way I do.

I explained to her that she too has the ability to see things the way I do!

She has the same potential to understand if God has brought us through some thing before He can do it again!

Faith Nuggets

God knows our limit.

1 Corinthians 10:13

We have to believe and expect for Him to come through on His promises!

We may know exactly how He will do it.

What ever is stretching us God will reward us generously if we stand firm in Him!

Our faithfulness will not only bless us; it will bless those around us.

2 Timothy 2: 9-10

We provide faith-based resources to help women grow stronger in faith.

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