Out of all things in the world one thing God can’t do is fail.
If God says yes to something, there’s 100% chance it will happen!
As believers of His word, the Bible, we know this as true!
We will blast our worship music and sing out loud proudly of God’s goodness.
We are confident to share with others of times God has made a way for us in previous seasons.
Yet, the moment we’ve been waiting on God to come through a little longer than we expected our faith isn’t as confident.
Why is this?
While we wait, some of us will question God as if He didn’t just…
Wake us this morning
Help approve the loan for us to start our business
Extend countless gifts of grace
Answer the prayer for us to be married
Give us the car/house we desired
Help us with finances to finish our degree
Answer the prayer to have the baby
Made sure we’ve had all we need during a world health pandemic 👀
And, we choose to question God because of time? 
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tell us to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.
In my surrender life journey, God has revealed to me there’s always purpose in the wait.
The way we choose to wait will be the precursor to our upcoming season.
A great example of this is found in the story of Ruth.
There’s a lot of scripture to share, but I want to highlight two people for you today, Ruth and Naomi.
As many of us know, these women were related because Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law.
Both women had recently experienced tragic events, the death of their husbands and food scarcity in their country.
Kinda like now there’s a scarcity of disinfected wipes! 😩
For whatever reason God spared these women’s lives giving them the opportunity in deciding to travel back to Naomi’s home country.
But, both women had different perspectives in waiting for their next season.
I don’t believe Ruth ever had been to Naomi’s home country, yet she was willing to trust in Naomi’s God, God, and live there without knowing what the outcome would be.
Ruth 1:16 But Ruth replied, don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.
Once arriving to Naomi’s home country, Bethlehem, Naomi initially chose to wait in bitterness.
Ruth 1:20-21 Don’t call me Naomi, she responded. Instead, call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty. Why call me Naomi when the Lord has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy up on me?
Ruth decided to work consistently in the fields to provide for her and Naomi.
Her selfless decision led her to marry Boaz who in fact redeemed Naomi’s family.
Boaz bought all of Naomi’s family property for her and gave her a grandson who’s actually David’s grandfather, Yeah King David. Therefore her family’s legacy continued.
What’s amazing to me about this story is God still blessed both women!
I’m not sure where you are currently in your faith journey.
If you are waiting for God to come through, choose to wait boldly in faith!
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16
There is purpose in the wait!
I think about times as a kid when I wanted a birthday gift.
My parents were pretty great at giving me anything I asked for.
In the time to receive the gift, I would think about how great it would be to have the doll, bike, cell phone, or car.
Often, I would be super excited with an expectation of receiving.
Now here’s the kicker, my parents never would give me only the birthday gift I desired.
Because of their love for me, they would also give me clothes, shoes, and other things I needed at that time.
I believe our Heavenly Father is the same way!
God loves us and knows what we need beyond our prayers.
Think about previous victories you’ve experienced spiritually.
Has there ever been a time where you only got what you prayed for?
If you prayed for patience, didn’t you also gain self-control?
If you prayed for peace, didn’t you also gain joy?
Choose to make this season a season of praise for what God is about to do!
God cannot fail.
Didn’t He come through the last time?
The way we choose to wait will be the precursor to our upcoming season.
There is purpose in the wait!
God loves us and knows what we need beyond our prayers.
Ruth 1:16
Ruth 1:20-21
Hebrews 4:16
We provide faith-based resources to help women grow stronger in faith.
Writer: Breonna Gildon Wright
Photo Credits: Harold Jackson
• If this post empowered you, Comment below “I Am Empowered!” ✨
In the mean time…
Who’s up for a virtual bible study 👋
Tomorrow, join our Empower Her community in Week 2 of The Esther Challenge!
✨Here Are 2 Ways You Can Be A Part:✨
1. Join Our Empower Her Facebook Community: We Share To Empower
Each week, BG will host a LIVE Bible Study with you in our exclusive Empower Her group.
2. Subscribe To Our Esther Challenge via The Bible App: The Esther Challenge
For more information, email info@wesharetoempower.com with subject line “The Esther Challenge w/Empower Her”.
See you next week, Honey Bunches!