Do you remember the first verse you learned?
I certainly do!
It was John 3:16.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
In fact, I also remember the very place where I learned that scripture!
I may have been about six, seven , or eight years old.
At the time, I was attending some sort of vacation Bible school not too far from my home.
I also remember how excited I was to actually remember a scripture 😆
Though the John 3:16 scripture was the first scripture I learned, my favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;” Proverbs 3:5 NIV
Unlike the John 3:16 verse, I do not remember where I learned Proverbs 3:5, however, I remember who taught it to me: my mom.
When I learned Proverbs 3:5, I do not remember why she shared it with me, but I can honestly say this verse has been such a great help in every phase of my life!
There are times where I have experienced great loss and I think of Proverbs 3:5.
Within the chaos, I do not have this huge or dramatic coming to Jesus moment!
However, when life seems a bit crazy or beyond my control I make the decision to share with God how I feel and trust with all my heart He will guide me to the next steps I need to take.
Choosing to trust God takes faith, not feelings!
How do you respond when life seems overwhelming?
1. Do you share how you are feeling with God?
2. Do you allow your feelings to overshadow your faith?
3. Do you reach out to your trusted people to share how you feel?
If I can be honest, I have done all three!
I did number two recently…like last week😳
But, I can admit when I noticed my feelings were speaking louder than my faith I made sure to check them by signaling my white flag.
Meaning, I reached out to God to help me reach out to people who I can trust.
In response, they were able to speak to me without judgement and I was able to be strengthened spiritually!
How does your first or favorite verse still empower you?
Biblical References
John 3:16
Proverbs 3:5
Faith Nuggets!
Choosing to trust God takes faith, not feelings!
Your faith will sometimes take you back to your roots.
Breonna ‘BG’ Gildon
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