Do you know your name is more than a cute word?
It’s your life’s identity!
Your name establishes who you are.
Each uniquely set of alphabetical letters help shape your destiny.
Whenever you answer your name, you accept the meaning of the word in which you are being called.
I remember in middle school was the first time I accepted a new name.
It was the start of a school year and my former teacher went down the class’ roll.
When she came to my name, she shouted out in the most country accent “Bre-Breoonna? Breoonna Gildon?
I was completely embarrassed!
Never had I thought my name would be so difficult to pronounce.
Like really, you can’t tell my name is Breonna? (BRE-ON-na)
I stood up and decided to introduce myself. I said, “My name isn’t Breoonna, it’s Breonna.”
As I sat back down in my chair, my classmate whispered to me, “Can I call you Bre?”.
I laughed and responded, “Yes! You can call me anything, but Breoonna!”
Throughout the school year, my classmate would call me Bre and I would answer.
Pretty soon, more people at school would call me Bre and I would proudly answer.
Even my other teachers started to catch on and identified me as Bre.
I felt so cool!
When I was called Bre, I could be something different, than Breonna.
I had a name where people could easily call me without having to think about my true identity.
The only problem in answering to people’s perceptions is we become confident to accept an identity that was created from shortening the calling God intended for us to walk in.
One day, I had a friend from school to phone my house and my mother answered.
As she came into my room to hand me the device she said, Tell your friend I didn’t name you Bre. Your name is Breonna!
I followed up, Momma, that’s who they call me and I would like to be.
She wasn’t having it and said, No, you’re Breonna.
The more I advanced in school the more I ignored my mother’s response and would introduce myself to people as Bre.
High school. College. Work.
I went throughout life accepting a name for me without really knowing what I was answering to until last year.
You see, when you look up the name Bre in Urban Dictionary it says:
Bre: A girl who is a good lover, and who easily falls in love with the wrong person. Who knows what she is worth and who’s mood can go from happy to mad/sad real quick.
Unfortunately, the definition doesn’t get better😳
Bre: Who can see a fake b___ a mile away and who yo boyfriend be textin’. She can beat a b___ in 2.5 seconds while still looking flawless at the end. She’s very talented, beautiful, and an amazing actress. She is worth keeping so fellas if you got her keep her. You’ll regret letting her go.
When I read this definition, I was blown away as much as you probably are!
I begin to think about most of my life events and how they were similar to the definition of Bre.
Many of the listed words were true about my past!
There were times in my life where I suffered identity confusion because I kept answering a name that was not meant for me to have.
I’m sure you’re wondering by now What does the name Breonna mean?
Therefore, any time I would answer to the name Bre I was allowing people to shorten the strength that God created for me to have in life!
When I discovered the true meaning of Bre, I told God since I am now living this surrendered life I not only want a new identity in Christ, but a new name.
There are several characters in the Bible who experienced name changes.
Sarai, meaning quarrelsome, name was changed by God to Sarah, princess. (Gen. 17:15)
Jacob, meaning deceiver name was changed by God to Israel which means wrestles with God. (Gen. 32:28)
Abram, who name was meant to be exalted father name was changed to Abraham which means father of many nations. (Gen. 17:5)
Each person’s new identities helped change the trajectory of their lives!
Shortly after the prayer, I had a close friend decided to give me a new name, BG, unknowingly their new name for me was an answered prayer!
The letter B means House and G can be translated to God.
Therefore, when I answer to BG, I answer my life, my body, my soul, my spirit is a house of God.
What are you choosing to accept as your identity?
Purpose Nuggets!
Whenever you answer your name, you accept the meaning of the word in which you are being called.
The only problem in answering to people’s perceptions is we become confident to accept an identity that was created from shortening the calling God intended for us to walk in.
Writer: BG
Photo Credits: Micah Patrick-Foster
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See you next Wednesday, Honey Bunches!
In the mean time…
New Celibacy Tips!
“Who you were is not who you are. You have a new identity in Christ!”
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